
Send Me Your News And I'll Post It

Anne Schmitt, oldest daughter of Judi and Albert Kopecki, announced the marriage-to-be of her son, Jason Agrella.

You can watch 6/19 on the Internet!

Sat, 7 Jun 2008

Hey!  Thanks for forwarding this.  We're doing great.  We've got a busy summer going already.  I'm glad you e-mailed as I want to forward the e-vite for my son's wedding.  It's going to be in Las Vegas,  but you can watch on this internet if you like.  They decided to do it that way.  BUT at least they told me before they just ran off and did it, which was their first plan.  SO, we're going to go on the 19th, and Elvis is going to marry them  Crazy, huh?  Should be lots of fun though.  If you want an excuse to go, you'd be welcome of course, but it's short notice for everyone so.....  I think I'll have a reception for them later.  Maybe that would be a good time for a reunion?  I'll have to get some other e-mail addresses from you for that, or if you want, you could forward the e-vite once  I've sent it.

From Ashley Young (Lambert Kopecki daughter)

Wed, 6 Feb 2008 21:33:42 -0800 (PST)

Hi! I know you haven't heard from me in forever, but we have news. We welcomed a baby boy to the family September 30, 2007. Just three days after my 25th birthday! His name is Viktor Vaughn Young. He was born at 3:04 in the morning, and weighed 7 lbs 6 oz. He's a big eater, though, and now at four months weighs in at over 19 lbs 7 oz! My husband Stephen just returned from his second iraq deployment in November, and we will be getting out of the military March of 2009, so we'll actually be able to make the reunion in the future. I'm glad you're keeping the site up, and best wishes to all our newly discovered relatives!


Just heard again from Beata (check the new guestbook though that will be changing soon) and went back in time to show her 2004 comments.

-Sharon 8/15/2006

Beata and Miroslaw:

Witają i powitaninia od Stanu Kalifornii i Stanów Zjednoczonych.

(To my family, they sent greetings from all the Kopecki's and the world. I sent them back from California and the United States.)
November 9, 2004 13:50:10 (GMT Time)

From "joseph g. kopecki"
To <>
Date Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:25:45 -0500
Subject Penna. Kopecki

Joe is in Pennsylvania and I think related through my Great Grandparents Albert and Annie. Will update after I read more.


The children of Anna and Albert:


Hi Sharon;
I contacted you back in 2003 and I check in on your Web site from  time to time.  Just thought I would update you on my family.
My name is Joe Kopecki , I'm retired and live in Macungie PA.  My Grandmother was named Anna and my Grandfather was Frank Kopecki .  Both had passed on before I was born.
I have two sons and a daughter.  Steve is the oldest at 41 and is a maintenance supervisor for American Airlines living in Tulsa OK.
Ken is an Electronics Tech and works for a security firm in Allentown, Pa.  Dawn is an award winning investigative reporter living in Washington DC and just started with business week magazine after working for Dow Jones/ The wall street Journal for seven years.
I don't know much about my fore-fathers, as near as I can tell Frank was living in Austria prior to coming to America and it is from that country that he boarded a ship headed for New York. 
If at any time you can give me any information pertaining to the family I would appreciate it.
Joe Kopecki  

February 7, 2006

Gemma checks in from Wshington. Bryan is Albert III's son. (Albert, son of John and Emilia)

Gemma Kopecki
Email: gemmawon _@
Where are
you from:
Port Orchard ,Washington
Comments: Hi Sharon, I'm so excited that the kopecki's website is back. It looks like you are planning to have a re-union this year. will, Bryan just retired from the Navy last year but he is also preparing to go to motorcycle school in Phoenix,Az. and I think it takes 14 mos. atleast if I'm not mistaken. So, he won't be able to attend the re-union this time. Hopefully, he will be able to come next year.
February 7, 2006 07:00:27 (GMT Time)

February 5, 2006

Editor's note: Theresa Kotzur checks in for the Texas Valley clan. Her grandfather is my Uncle John (child of Emila and John Sr.)

Thanks Theresa!

Grandpa is doing wonderful.  We celebrated his 83rd birthday on January 28th.  We had a HUGE surprise party for him.  You would never have known that he was in the hospital for over 3 weeks just a month ago.  He is as strong as an ox and as sharp as a tack.  He had no problem remembering all of his friends.  We had a slide show that displayed over 100 pictures, including some of your dad, great grandpa and great grandma, and even pictures of grandpa in the Army.  I too have not kept up very well with the family, but I guess now as I am getting older, and have quickly growing children, I feel that knowing my family history is very important.  I want my kids to know where they came from because they have something to be very proud of.  I hope to be sending new pictures soon.  It was great to hear from you.
February 4, 2006 Hello everyone. Yes, the web site is getting its long awaited update. Probably won't do a whole lot in "style", but I will be indexing this site better so that you may more easily view its many photos. I will not be able to include all that are sent, but I will be able to show quite a few, so please feel free to email them to (My email address for this site is but there's more storage for photos at my hotmail account!)

January 24, 2006 (later in the day)

Judy Slate (granddaughter of Albert Jr.'s brother, Steve Kopecki) responds to Linda's comments below.

My grandfather, Steve Kopecki, was the youngest brother.  He was the only one born in this country.  His oldest brother, Albert, was around 16 when they came to Indianola, TX and then to Panna Maria.  I always thought that the older siblings would tell their children stories about the "Old Country".  Did you ever hear any?

January 24, 2006

Linda (Kopecki) Nichols checks in. Linda is the granddaughter of Joseph and Otylia.

Joe Kopecki is my dad's (Louis Kopecki) brother.  Joe has two son's Patrick and Joe Jr. I do not think these are the Joe's that contacted you.  I will try and sit down to get some info for you in regards to my dad's family. 
I also know that my dad's sister Sister Leonicia (or Josephine)
Just a small tid bit.  My father and mother (Louis and Mary Kopecki) which I have talked about in the past e-mail, lives just down the street from Frank and Joyce Tudyk who also related to you guys on the Moy side.  It was always fun when Steven would come into town to visit we would either gather at my dad's house or at Franks house.
June 23rd, 2005 Uncle Lambert passed away. Larry, Donna Sue, Barbara, Ashley and Lambert Jr. were in attendance. In his younger years, he was the prankster of the family, always starting the fun. Please click here for Lambert's page.
February 4, 2006 Editor's note. Joseph Kopecki, Joe's grandfather, is my grandfather John's brother.
April 11, 2005

Aaah, time flies, doesn't it? I've corresponded on and off with various Kopecki's who may be related. But now the closer connections have started writing in. Received an email from Joe Kopecki (not any of our Joey's!) and I pointed him to the October 14, 2004 posting below. Well Joe recently wrote back with the following:

Albert was my great grand father, My father is from Kosciusko where you find Albert's wife Mary is buried. My grandfather was Joseph Franklin Kopecki.

O.k. Can someone write all this out for me and I'd be happy to post? How about it? Hope everyone is great and ... what's that? When's the next reunion? Huh? I was just wondering that myself. ;-) Please be sure you post any comments

October 14, 2004

Hi Everyone and Boy do I Have News! Another branch from Great-Grandfather Albert has just appeared and I've been in contact with Judy Slate of San Antonio, Texas, a new cousin! Earlier this week, Judy had sent me this email:

" Hi: My great grand father was Albert Kopecki also. His youngest son, Steve Kopecki, was my grandfather. Steve married Julie Kolodziej. What is the last name of your other great grand parents? Do you have any pictures of Albert's wife, Mary Titzman? Which of Albert's son is your grandfather? Did he tell you any stories of Poland? These are questions that I have had for a long time. My mother was Steve's oldest daughter, Sally Kopecki. The best e-mail to respond to is Thanks. Are you going to Panna Maria next weekend?"

I responded to Judy the way I respond to most people who share the name, but I don't recognize their relationship: they're welcome to post and I'll be happy to print their pictures. However, I don't know you.

But Judy did some legwork of her own and came up with the following information soon after:

"I looked at my geneology stuff and figured it out.  John (b 1923)and Virginia Kopecki are children of John Kopecki (b 1899)and Emilia Moy who are decendance of Albert Kopecki Jr 1872-1941 who is my grandfather Steve's oldest brother!  So John and Virginia are my great uncle and great aunt!  Talk about confusing! Judy Makovy Slate  (grandaughter of Steve Kopecki (1886-1950)and Julia Kolodziej.) San Antonio, TX Attached is a picture of my mother, Sally Kopecki Makovy Murks and my children, Julie, Jenny and Paul. "

Of course, Judy doesn't quite have it right. Uncle John and Aunt Virginia are more like her cousins. And who she refers to as her grandfather is actually my great-grandfather. But the relationship is there. Now, maybe the other Kopecki's (Joe? Fred? Mario? Beata?) will recognize one of these additional members.

Below, I started the family tree as I know it. Thank you to Jim Tudyk and Judy Slate for some of the holes in history that they filled.

In bold is my part of the branch. In between grading student homework, I'll post names I know or are sent in (since I recognize they're more Kopecki's than just my family!! ;-))


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September 3, 2004

I cannot believe I have only now returned with news of the reunion. It was a great success with several new arrivals. Probably one of the nicest is meeting Ashley and her daughter. She was overwhelmed by the number of relatives she met! And her daughter is just beautiful. We hope next year Ashley will be able to bring her husband, who is in the armed forces.

Larry's daughter and her husband, Barbara Ann, Donna Sue, and Joe, Christine, Stephanie, Mike and Sean were all new arrivals. I'm sorry, I probably forgot someone and will have to add their names as newcomers, but you have to remember, we're a BIG clan! Gigi and I especially liked that Joe and Christine decided to join us camping out. It made the vacation just a little more fun. And hey! Joe turned us onto a great Mexican deli/grocery store just up the road. Great food!

Gigi has sent photos of the Kopecki Reunion 2004. Now send me yours (I did see cameras!)

-----love to all, Sharon

August 4, 2004

Well next week is the family reunion and I'm very much looking forward to it. We had a rash of new people pop up in the guestbook. Mae Kopecki (Bryan and Gemma Kopecki) just sent me her latest (14 year old!) photo . (Mae if you want to add to the page, just email me and let me know. I'll update your page and will create one for your brother, also, once I get his photo.)

Also heard from Beata in Katowice, Poland. Beata sent her photo too.

Just 9 more days to the reunion!

July 4, 2004 Happy 4th of July:

Monday, June 21, 2004

new baby is born graphic

Hi everyone, Just to let you know, Stacey and Zack have a healthy new baby boy. He was born today at 12:50 pm, weighed in at 8 lbs 1 oz and is 20.5 inches tall. His name is Noah Zachary Kopecki. Mommy and baby are doing fine, and Maddie is telling everyone to be "gentle" with the baby. :-) Zack of course filmed as much of the birth as possible so the not so squeamish will probably get the see it if they want... Love, Kathy
April 12, 2004 Hi Everyone! No one has sent any interesting news lately, but it looks like we are all shooting for late August as the reunion date, and it will be held in the Merced area. Will keep you abreast. Meanwhile...Gigi and Mike have both sent photos in the last month, so check them out!
March 28, 2004
Dear Everyone!
After I got off the computer, I decided to call Jancy to see what was going on because I couldn't tell by the e-mails if Matt was coming home today or if he would be in Kuwait today. And Matthew answered the phone, he said, "I was just getting ready to call you Mom." I am so relieved and grateful for his safe return and grateful for all the prayers and support I have received these last 8 months. I will probably not go see him until the end of May or beginning of June, but it is so wonderful to know he's here in the USA. Love, Kathy
March 23, 2004 hi it's just me and i wanted to tell you to pray for my brother jim tudyk he has kidney failurre and is taking treatments 3 times a week to keep his kidneys going. he is in the hospital now so have everyone in your family pray for him. i will keep you in touch. have a nice day.      love mary stanush
March 13, 2004  hi, I'm a cousin and enjoyed your site. My parents are Emil & Mary [Tudyk] Stanush. I'm Mary Jane [Stanush] Moczygemba. My Uncle Jim Tudyk told us about the site. Now he & my Mom want to get a web site built,  so they can post pictures and family info. Maybe they could have a link to your site and vice versa. Uncle Jim noticed Tudyk spelled with an "r" after T on his page he contributed with photos. Can that be changed? You did a really nice job and the web site -it makes a lot of people enjoy it.  My boys are quite pc literate and if I can talk them into helping, hopefully, we can get one started.  Thanks & take care, Mary Jane Moczygemba Adkins, Tx
Wed, 17 Dec 2003 Hi Sharon, My daughter Dawn Kopecki told me about your site.  She is doing some research on our family and wants to build a web site.  I am from Pennsylvania and Dawn is from Washinton DC.  I also have a son in Tomball Texas. Just thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know that another Kopecki is checking in on your site. Joe Kopecki Macungie, Pa.
Wed, 18 Feb 2004 hi, this is Lambert's daughter Ashley, just wanted to let you know that i got married, my name is now Ashley Young... and we have a new addition to the family! we have a one month old daughter named Amy.

Randy Kopecki, Modesto, CA

Sienna, Jake and Dom call this guy the Hershey Guy. It pays to know someone in high places...

John and Virginia Kopecki, Texas Steve and Helen Kopecki, California
Lambert Kopecki, California Mack and Theresa Kopecki Claunch
Herbert and Joyce Kopecki, California Albert Kopecki, California
The Moy Family (contributed by James Tudyk)


Saturday, March 6, 2004: Hi Everyone! I forgot to check my account (I have 3 other email addresses besides!) so I missed some emails until now. Bonnie sent in some new photos (see the Albert Kopecki Family Web Album ) PLUS I received this email from a Joe Kopecki on the East Coast:

Wednesday, March 3, 2004: Grant Kopecki!!!

Hey Aunt Sharon! Long time, huh? Still working in Sunnyvale at the Onizuka Air Force Base. Seven years come June. You may have heard that I moved back to Modesto and finally bought a house. I have been paying that thing off for over two years now! Talia lives with me. (....but I hope to get her out on her own soon.....) I really want to make it to the reunion this year. My days off just did not match up with the past reunions. Plus I still work nights. (...only way not to go nuts from the traffic...) JUNE would be great! But not the first week. (....I have plans, my birthday...) Camping or what you guys did on the past reunions is good. Please, nothing to do with the Bay Area. I don't want to drive back here, not if I don't have to go to work. Well, hope to hear from you soon!!! - Grant

Monday, March 1, 2004 5:36 PM
Here's some news I forgot to add. Helen Kopecki (wife of Steve) turned 75 February 12th. She celebrated by taking the train to Reno --smile--

And, Gigi and her mother, Aunt Theresa, will be going to China in July!!! That's really exciting!

Judie wrote in (Bonnie, Annie, Bryan and Joseph's mom and one of my favorite aunts) and said she will try to attend this summer.

And Jim Tudyk, cousin on Grandmother John's side, sends his best all the way from Texas!

Sunday, February 29, 2004 9:18 AM
First one to check in: Larry Kopecki! He would like to see June (sounds good to me) and he promises to bring Donna! (yea, yea). OK everyone! Where's your opinion? Go to the Events page to register an opinion for our next Kopecki Family Reunion!

Hi Everyone! I would like to update each other of what's going on with you. Send me an email at and give me your information. For now, here's what I have gathered in the last 2 years.

John and Virginia celebrated their 50th anniversary last year. Quite a blow out in Texas.

Theresa had surgery last year but is reportedly getting around just as usual. She flew out with Herbert for John's big shindig.

Gigi is once again asking for your suggestions on a family reunion for 2004. Hey everybody! We only do this once a year and outdoor camping en masse is a whole lotta' fun! Sign into the guestbook and give us your suggestions.

If you want, you can have your very own web area within this site. Check out the links below: