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Kopecki Family Reunion 2004...gathering the scattered clan

Michael's Email
Michael Anthony Kopecki Gallery
See a sister's revenge.
Michael, escorting his niece, Jennifer, at his latest premiere. Bodyguard in background

New Photos: Mike strikes again 4/4

Michael's latest correspondence:

Where are
you from:
modesto--"crime city u.s.a."
yo, sis! like the new site. how about updating your brother's page(it's like 3 years old!)? if so i'll send you some slick jpegs from reunion #2(when i figure how to get 'em on a disk); video soon too. hey! if everybody from the first reunion and everybody from the second reunion got to the third reunion, that would be way cool! see you there.
March 2, 2004 03:20:58 (GMT Time)

Michael is the official videographer for the family reunions and will burn copies of his films for any interested Kopecki, upon request. The photo at right was taken at one of his premieres. Notice the look of chagrin on his face? His film did not win.


Michael's trusted companion, Pete

yo, Michael! I warned you what I'd do if you didn't send me any photos! Now all the rest of you Kopecki's are on notice! (Love and kisses from your Big Sis --smile--)

Mike and Dave, 1 hour after high school graduation!

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© copyright 2002 rev. April 13, 2004