The Moy Family

photos from September 2002

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My sister Florence(Tudyk) Ehlinger, Devine, Texas, and Frank William Tudyk, San Antonio, Texas, & Jim Tudyk. My other sister Mary(Tudyk) Stanush was in the hospital recovering from knee replacement and could not attend the wedding.

The reason I'm always sitting for the photo's at my son's wedding is that I was just released from the hospital a week earlier with conjestive heart failure and kidney failure. I was in a wheel chair and was too week to stand. However, after two months of kidney dialysis many prayers were answered and a miracle kidneys began working again.

Even the doctors can't believe it.

The wedding of Frances Moy & Edward Olenick

Grandmother John is standing fifth from the left

Bud and Julie at the altar

Albina Moy Tudyk, circa 1950

Julie, Bud and Laurie

Wedding of James R. Tudyk,II & Jennifer Coleman Tudyk, June 8, 2002 at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Victoria, Texas
left to right: Julie(Tudyk)Baker, Kyle Baker, John Baker, Jennifer (Coleman) Tudyk, Paige Baker, James R. "Bud" Tudyk, II, Jim Tudyk, Ruby Tudyk, Ed Grawl, Shelley Grawl, Laurie(Tudyk) Grawl, Katie Grawl

Jim & Ruby Tudyk
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